
  • Baptism serves as the first sacrament one receives when entering the Catholic Faith. It is a sacrament of initiation (which you can only receive one time), meaning once you received it, you officially enter into the body of Christ, the Catholic Church. The recipient receives justifying and sanctifying grace when baptized, and the Holy Spirit begins to dwell within them.

    Registration details:

    Infants (<5 years): Contact Anthonia Abosi 71 724 984

    Children/Adults: Contact: Veronica Makwinja: 72 913 460

  • Reconciliation is a sacrament of the Catholic Church that offers forgiveness for sins committed after Baptism. It is also a sacrament of healing and peace. To receive this sacrament, one must confess their sins to a priest, express sorrow, do penance, and receive absolution.

    Confessions are heard on request. Please pass by the Parish Office during office hours and request for a priest.

  • First Communion is where a person receives the bread and wine of communion for the first time. It is an important tradition for Catholic families and individual. The ceremony takes place after the individual has gone through a series of classes from the Catechism of the church, to help them understand more about the eucharist and themselves as Christians.

    Registration details:

    Children/Adults: Contact: Veronica Makwinja: 72 913 460

  • Confirmation is a sacrament in the Catholic Church that brings the confirmand deeper into communion with the Church and gives them the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. It is an affirmation of commitment and belief and a responsibility for one's faith and destiny. It involves the imposition of hand and anointing with oils by the bishop.

    Registration details:

    Children/Adults: Contact: Veronica Makwinja: 72 913 460

  • Matrimony, or marriage, in the Catholic Church is a sacrament and a covenant between a man and a woman who give themselves totally to each other for the whole of life. It is ordered to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring. It is also a public statement about God's values.

    Couples preparing for marriage are encouraged to register for preparatory classes at least 3-6 months before the intended wedding date.


  • Holy orders is the sacrament by which men are ordained as priests or deacons. It is a sacrament carried out by a bishop, who must lay his hands on the candidate. Taking holy orders is a commitment for life both to God and to the Catholic Church, as the man is given certain powers, including passing on God’s forgiveness of sins.


    For Diocesan vocations to priesthood, kindly contact Fr Pako Rantutu on 72 357 551 or Fr Tshiamo Makaba on 71 775 243 or speak to the Parish priest.

  • Anointing of the sick, formerly known as extreme unction, is a sacrament administered to the seriously ill and the frail elderly to give them strength and comfort, and to mystically unite their suffering with that of Christ during his Passion and death. The sacrament is administered to a Catholic "who, having reached the age of reason, begins to be in danger due to sickness or old age". It is often a Catholic Christian’s final sacrament and is given by a priest.

    For urgent need, please pass by the Parish office/home to request a priest or reach out to the Parish priest on his cellphone.